Advice and opinions regarding what foods to eat and what to avoid for optimal health are always there. Is there really a best and worst time to eat specific foods, …
August 2023
What riches are hidden just under our feet? There are many hidden marvels that are just waiting to be discovered. A few sites you should see at least once in …
New Covid variation “Eris” is fast spreading in the UK: be aware of the symptoms
An alarming new variety known as Eris or EG.5.1 has surfaced as the Covid-19 epidemic continues to grip the world.Since its discovery on July 31, 2023, this strain of the …
There has been the discovery of a pyramid-shaped mountain in the icy continent of Antarctica. The discovery of a pyramid-shaped structure in such a distant place has caused a stir …
When you’re attempting to get rid of an uncomfortable feeling or you’re fatigued, rubbing your eyes may feel completely normal and harmless. But here’s the thing: if you do it …
There are several reasons why working out is not a good idea. A gym visit is a nuisance. Too much money is spent on exercise gear. There isn’t a lot …
It’s easy to fall into the trap of careless spending in today’s fast-paced, consumer-driven world, which causes financial stress and debt. However, by practising conscious spending, we may reclaim control …
The term “metabolism” has gained popularity, and everyone seems to be using it appropriately. As many claim, metabolism is neither solely hereditary or a gift from God.Despite the fact that …
We work hard and balance job and family commitments throughout the whole week. We thus have very little time for ourselves. Our mental, physical, and emotional health can all be …
Apple, the American technological titan, is preparing to unveil its newest array of iPhone 15 series devices in September, and as the big day approaches, new rumours and leaks abound. …