Mars is covered in layers and layers of dust, much like an old house that hasn’t been lived in for a long time. However, unlike an uninhabited mansion, imagining life …
Scientists will do this to bring rock and soil from Mars to Earth
Scientists at NASA and the European Space Agency (ESA) are collaborating to return the first samples of soil and rock from another planet to Earth. While samples from the Moon …
First alien contact is officially being prepared by the government
Technological advancements have made the search for extraterrestrial life (SETl) more likely to result in alien contact than at any other point in our species’ history. Astronomers can now detect …
The first map of the Milky Way’s galactic graveyard has been revealed
The Milky Way is a massive cemetery. Stars are born, burn out, and die, but they do not simply vanish — and their corpses haunt the galaxy.Massive stars that died …
Planets are known to form from protoplanetary discs, which are dust rings that surround young newly born stars. Astronomers have discovered hundreds of such discs throughout the universe, but they …
Everything you need to know about “satellite communication” on smartphones
As anticipation of a growing range of satellite-to-cellular – or satellite communication – options grows, the next big thing in mobile telephony could literally be out of this world.The use …
Scientists break down the direction of time down to the cellular level in a mind-bending study
A new study looks at interactions between microscopic neurons in salamanders to figure out how the “arrow of time” is generated biologically. Time itself is a universal aspect of life. …
NASA warns that a massive asteroid 1200 feet wide is headed for Earth.
According to NASA, a large asteroid measuring 1200 feet wide is hurtling toward Earth at a very high pace. Tomorrow is when the asteroid is predicted to get the closest. …